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Career Opportunities
If you are inspired to learn more about the Eden Alternative and to be a part of a dynamic culture change movement, then consider the following options as a part of your own Eden Journey.

Eden Community Visitor

Eden Community Visitors are responsible for supporting and working with organisations who apply for Eden Registry Membership through Eden in Oz & NZ Ltd (EiON).Eden community visitors are Eden Associates who have the experience of implementing the Eden Framework in their organisation.  They are transformation champions.  They use their knowledge and experience in implementing the Eden Alternative to support other organisations on their own growth path.  Each visitor forms a part of a supportive validation team when we visit each home or centre to review their journey to date.  Everybody learns and grows on the day.

Eden Mentor

Being an Eden Mentor is a journey that supports the mentor and mentee to develop a deeper understanding of the Eden Alternative. Eden recognises Eden Champions and invites Eden Associates to become Eden Mentors to assist others on their Eden journey.  Mentors have extensive experience in the implementation of the Eden Alternative.

Eden Volunteer

If you have some time on your hands and want to make a difference, consider becoming an Eden Volunteer. Make a difference in the lives of others as well as your own.

Eden Trainer/Educator

The pathway to becoming an Eden Trainer is through an Eden ‘traineeship’. Once our trainees have completed their training they become part of a wonderful team of Eden Trainers around Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.To be considered as a trainee with Eden, all interested persons must be an Eden Associate or be prepared to become an Eden Associate through our Eden Associate Training.  Ideally you will also have a passion for educating others; be an excellent communicator and are willing to share your operational knowledge and industry experience.As a certified Eden Trainer, you have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of individuals and organisations by educating others in the Eden Philosophy.  A minimum training qualification is TAE or equivalent.

Contact us for further information.